I’ve been on a quest for a natural deodorant THAT WORKS.
At first, I ran straight to my local LUSH store. They’re natural, right?
This one worked, but gave me crazy itchy rashes.
Aromaco was a gentler option from Lush, but it left me with stinky armpits. They had a few other options, and I tried them ALL. None worked.
I moved away from Lush and tried this salt rock thingy. Terrible.
My last resort was to concoct my own. I’ve had some luck with certain mixtures, using what I had at home. I simply did not want to go out and buy an entire package of a certain ingredient, when all I needed was a tablespoon for my pits.
Well, I guess I needed those ingredients, as I usually ended up with smelly-ish pits or terrible rashes.
I did not want to commit though.
I was so frustrated….
After what felt like months of experimenting, I finally caved and bought the evil enemy.
I’m not a huge fan of this stuff AT ALL.
I hate how they smell.
I always found that the fragrances end up smelling like weird fruit mixed with warm muskiness.
I hate how it feels.
I hate how you can’t really wash it off with one shower. (btw, if you wear antiperspirant, have you ever used your nail to scrape your armpit after a shower? It’s disgusting.)
Well, after about a year or so of wearing traditional antiperspirant with nasty ingredients, I decided to give natural deodorants a try again.
Enter, Hippy Pits!
I liked the look of this company as soon as I landed on their website.
They’re funny, cool, and they’re Canadian!
Their slogan is “Live like a hippy, don’t smell like one”. Ha! I love it.
Check out their funny videos on their homepage.
Their products are vegan, gluten and GMO free, and never tested on animals.
Why Hippy Pits is different
Their natural deodorant WORKS.
Just check out all of the positive reviews here.
They currently have three scents:
Live Love Lavender – MY FAVE
Tree Hugger – Eucalyptus and tea tree scent
The Naked Hippy – unscented
Not sure which one you want? Buy all 3 in this trio.
Their stuff works because they use essential oils that are known for their antibacterial properties. Sweat itself doesn’t smell, but the bacteria that breeds in it does.
Their secret ingredient, which also happens to be one of my personal faves – GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT. This stuff has crazy antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal properties.
That, along with a special concoction of oils and clays, help combat moist, smelly pits.
(BTW, if you suffer from super sweaty armpits, you may wanna check these guys out)
Oh, and aluminum-free baking soda. Y’all know I love baking soda. The use of aluminum-free baking helps reduce irritation, which is probably what irritated my skin so much in the past with other products.
My Experience with Hippy Pits
I received a jar of the “Live Love Lavender” in the mail, and was super excited to use it.
I absolutely LOVE the scent of lavender, and this deodorant did not disappoint.
Since I was using regular antiperspirant before this, I needed to give myself a few days to “detox” from all of that gunk clogged up in my pores, to see if this deodorant really worked.
The first thing I noticed when I applied the deodorant was the texture.
The base is a shea butter and coconut oil, so I expected the deodorant to leave a greasy feeling on my skin.
Thanks to the arrowroot powder, tapioca starch and diatomaceous earth, I was pleasantly surprised to find that after applying, my hands felt dry (in a good way) and no greasy after feel! These ingredients also help absorb any unwanted wetness in your underarms.
Read more about their ingredients here.
So…. does Hippy Pits work?
After applying this stuff on, I really love smelling my armpits. Hahaha!
The lovely lavender scent doesn’t last too long on me, which isn’t a bad thing. I don’t like products that are too heavily scented. I found most traditional deodorants to be TOO fragranced, and I’d get sick of the smell really quick.
Though the light scent went away, the odour fighting abilities did not.
We are experiencing a beautiful summer here in Toronto. The sun is out almost everyday, and temperatures are reaching 40 degrees celsius (104 degrees farenheit).
I cleaned my car out yesterday in this scorching hot weather. I was sweaty and felt disgusting. But my pits didn’t smell.
Amazing! I’ve finally found a natural deodorant that works.
Oh, and on top of that, NO nasty rashes in my armpits from the ingredients.
Ummmm… this deodorant is a huge winner for me!
I did notice after a week or so, the deodorant did dry out a bit in my cold bathroom. This didn’t seem to affect the effectiveness it at all.
I simply scraped a bit of the deodorant carefully with a small spoon, place the ball of product on my finger, and gently but firmly press it into my armpit to “warm” it up for about 2-3 seconds, which makes it spread around easier.
Don’t be stinky, get your own Hippy Pits!
My pits are finally a normal colour…
Using regular antiperspirant clogs your pores. The way it works is, it plugs up your sweat glands to STOP you from sweating.
This caused the skin on my armpits to be even more pigmented than they naturally are. All that gunk mixed with sweat and bacteria, YUCK. I absolutely hate that stuff.
Switching to a natural underarm odor solution has lessened the pigmentation and I couldn’t be happier!
Let’s wrap this up… Hippy Pits is pretty awesome.
Like I mentioned, this is one of the HOTTEST summers I’ve ever experienced.
Summers here on the east coast are super uncomfortable with the high humidity.
I’ve been rocking this deodorant for a few weeks now, and I’m loving it.
If you’re on the market for a natural, chemical free solution to smelly pits, I highly suggest you check Hippy Pits out!
thank you very much for this review! i was on unsure about getting it untill i read your article thank you again!!!
You’re very welcome! Let me know how it works out for you! I LOVE mine still and can’t get enough of the Lavender!
How long did it take for your order to come in? Thanks for the review!
My initial order took about 1.5 weeks.
I took advantage of their black friday promo back in November, and that order did take quite a while to come, about 3 weeks I believe. I think they are experiencing a lot of orders, and they were handmaking their products. Maybe they’re working on fixing this?
Okay c’mon, be real with us here. I purchased the lavender kind from Hippy Pits about two weeks ago thanks to raving reviews like yours. And guess what? It DOES NOT work perfectly like you describe it. What’s the point in lying? Possibly getting compensation for promoting through those links?
I digress- whether or not you’re getting something out of this rave review, it’s not totally honest and I apologize to all the hopeful people who excitedly ordered this product and were slightly disappointed to find that it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.
I’ve used this everyday for the last couple of weeks. Don’t get me wrong, I love the smell. And if you reapply it 2-3 times a day, it works pretty good. Non-greasy, absorbs well, easy to apply. But don’t be surprised when in between reapplying this stuff, your pits smell like B.O. Anyone who tells you this will never happen with Hippy Pits is straight up lying (and/or being paid off to do so).
I don’t even sweat a lot. And I haven’t done any intense workouts since I’ve gotten this stuff because it’s winter and I’m too busy with classes. And yet I’m still left with stinky pits about halfway through the day and then again at the end of the day before bed. Yes, apply it over my entire pit area. And as a result, I’ve already gone through about half the jar and will need to purchase another soon since they take about 2 weeks to ship. That’s $15+ a month on DEODORANT.
So please, cut the bullsh*t and be honest with the people reading your blogs.
I’m sorry that’s the case for you. I still use Hippy Pits and have even gotten my husband to switch over to use their products and he really enjoys them.
I’ve bought many items after reading rave reviews online and didn’t have the same experience as the bloggers, but I do not assume that they lied or were paid to say things. Sometimes, things just don’t work for you and they work great for others. Just like how I can rave about my favourite ice cream flavour and someone else will never ever be able to stomach it.
You simply don’t really know until you try something for yourself 🙂
This has to be one of the most stupid comments I’ve ever read lol. You do know what works for one person may not work for another, right ? All she did was give HER honest review of a product she likes and loves. If you were dumb enough to believe it would also work for you the same way it did for her well, I’d say that’s your own stupidity.
To come on here and full out accuse someone of lying or being paid for simply expressing her opinions on a product is pure ignorance on your part. Obviously not the brightest crayon in the box are you ? Lol smh
Gave me a rash, my armpits are very sore and itchy now. Sent a message to the company with pictures of my armpit rashes. No response yet. Very disappointed.