
New Obsession: Offbeat Coloured Lipsticks!

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I have been seeing this trend popping up a lot amongst the popular Instagram makeup gurus lately. I know it’s an acquired taste, but I absolutely love it! It’s really fun. I don’t think I’ll be wearing blue lipstick to the grocery store, but I definitely could see myself wearing it on a night out of fun.

Offbeat colored lipstick

I created these colours with my MUFE Flash Palette, which you can basically do anything with! I can make any colour imaginable with this thing. The colours are so pigmented, I experienced very little streaking when applying them onto my lips.

The pale lilac and coral-y colours I think are very wearable and fun to wear in the summer months. I think the darker blue hues actually look pretty sexy and sultry, a new spin on the vampy looks that I also love. The bright turquoise, though very fun, I think is the least wearable. Don’t know if I could pull that off in public! I do think it’ll be fun to use when I’m just around the house playing with makeup though 🙂

What do you think of this new trend? Love it? Hate it? Wanna try it out just to see?

    1. These colours are super fun, but I don’t have the guts to wear most of them out in public!

      Why don’t you try by mixing some gloss and a loose powder together?

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