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Hey guys,
I’m always on the lookout for new and fun ways to workout. I am always switching it up!
And though this idea isn’t new, I’m sure that we’ve all enjoyed these as children, but hooping is a fun way to implement these adult size hoola hoops into your exercise regime and burn fat.
These weighted hula hoop workouts train your entire body and can help burn up to 400 calories an hour! The workouts are made up of different moves and you train with music, it’s like hula hoop dancing!
For beginners, the company offers DVDs which you can follow along to learn the dances. They’ve also got a bunch of videos on Youtube if you’re looking for more info on this. If you’re an advanced user, with some research online, I’m sure you will find new hooping tricks!
Here’s the cool thing, if you try this out and find out that you really enjoy it, you can actually sign up on their website to become a certified Hoopnotica trainer! How cool is that? Could this be the next Zumba? hmm…
So, is this an effective way to lose weight?
Hooping is REALLY fun, which a lot of exercises aren’t, so you dread doing them. With this workout, it is actually enjoyable to do, and you are more excited to do it every time. Of course, fitness only works if you are consistent, which is where the fun-ness factor really helps. If you enjoy doing it, you will do it again. So I do believe that hoop workouts work for weight loss.
Wanna save some money?
You’re in luck. I’ve got a discount for my readers who want to get in shape with hula hooping workouts. By using the link below, you can get 25% off their hula hoop fitness items! This definitely makes helps you save some money on these quality items, as opposed to settling with cheap hula options.