
Microdermabrasion On a Budget

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Microdermabrasion is a wonderful skin procedure that helps slough off the outer layer of dead skin on your face (or body). It leaves your skin feeling baby smooth, all while revealing fresh, healthy and glowing skin.

These procedures are traditionally only done by estheticians and dermatologists, which can get pretty expensive if you’re going in regularly. Luckily, there is an at home remedy that you can try, and I bet you have all of the ingredients in your kitchen already!

What You’ll Need:

–          Juice from half of a lemon

–          2 tbsp Baking soda

–          Distilled water

Combine the lemon juice and baking soda together. Once that is mixed, add in droplets of distilled water until you get a pasty consistency, similar to baby food (ha ha! This was the best way I could think of to describe it!)

After washing your face the way your normally do, apply the baking soda mixture to your skin using your fingers, in a circular motion. Use a gentle touch, and continue with the circular motions for a few minutes. You use this on your face or your body!

Rinse off with warm water, and pat dry.

Expect a little redness after the treatment. I would only recommend using this once a week, maybe once every 2 weeks if your skin is a little more sensitive.

Why This Works:

The grainy texture of baking soda makes it perfect for physically removing dead skin. Not too coarse, and not too gentle. However, it does have an alkaline pH, whereas our skin is naturally acidic. So you need to balance it out with some acid. That’s where the lemons come in! They are wonderful for your skin due to their citric acid content. It has gentle skin sloughing properties.

If you want some serious microdermabrasion action, try something like the Olay ProX Microdermasion kit. It exfoliates the skin, helping to get rid of pigmentation and fine lines. It can help get rid of acne scars, age spots, and even stretch marks if you use it on your body!

And there you have it! A super quick and inexpensive at home microderm treatment. Have you tried this quick and cheap fix for your skin? What were your results like? Also check out my homemade lip scrub recipe and rice flour face mask recipe!

  1. Hello! I am curious about your statement above, about removing stretch marks using baking soda with lemon.. Is this really effective? I just want to try this remedy, cause I have many stretch marks and I want this to remove or lighten. Thank you.

    1. Hi Katrina!!!

      In my honest opinion, nothing will take away stretch marks completely. They CAN fade and become less noticeable from exfoliation (like using baking soda and lemon) and keeping the area well hydrated. Good Luck!

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