
Non Surgical Facelift Options

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No one likes getting older. So many things are changing, both inside and outside your body. What bothers most of us the most is that there are tell tale signs on our faces. Sun damage, fine lines, and extra skin where there once was plump, glowing, beautiful skin.

What are our options once we see some extra fluffiness under our chins and under our cheeks? Are we stuck with a plastic surgery as our only option?

Going under the knife is scary. It’s not just the idea of being put to sleep and having scalpels and needles touching you, but also the pain that you encounter during recovery.

And needles, well, we all know how most people feel about needles…

So for those of us with not so tight faces that we once donned in our early 20s, what’s out there? Hmmm….

Believe it or not, there are some less scary options out there. Before scheduling a consultation with a doctor, here are some non surgical options to tone and tighten up your face.

Facial Massage

Many people believe that you can improve the tightness of your facial and neck skin by doing a face massage once every week. Not only is it relaxing, but it will help with the circulation on the areas that you massage. Check out the video below to see how it’s done

Highlighting and Contouring With Makeup

Made popular by Kim Kardashian, you can fake lifted cheek bones simply by placing a lighter coloured foundation/concealer on the tops of your cheeks. Placing a darker colour in the hallow of the cheek will also bring out the height of your cheek


As we age, we lose ceramides, which help maintain that youthful plumpness in our skin. Phytoceramides, is an FDA approved plant derived ceramide, which you take orally. This plumps up your skin from the inside out. Ceramides help retain moisture, so your skin is more moisturised and healthy looking. Though this does take at least 4 weeks for you to see results, I definitely think this is a better option than to go under the knife! A good example of a phytoceramide product is from Revitol. Their product is a 2-step program, which requires you to apply the topical moisturizer along with taking the oral supplement everyday.

So there you have it, some ideas to try out before going under the scalpel. Try some of these out before making the commitment to your surgeon!

What face lifting products and tricks have you tried? How did you like them? Let me know in the comments below!

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