
What to do with your over-ripe avocados and bananas!

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There’s no denying that avocados and bananas are SUPER yummy, but there is a sweet spot for when they’re ripe.

You buy them kind of firm, and you can’t WAIT to eat them. A few days roll around, and you’re still waiting patiently.

Then, BAM! The fruit has hit its sweet spot, and it’s the perfect texture and flavor right then and there. You have, what seems like, only an hour to eat and prepare it, before it gets too ripe.

Do we all know what I’m talking about here? I must not be the only one that’s experienced this numerous amounts of times!

Luckily, those overripe fruits still have a purpose, just maybe not in your smoothie.

You can use those aged fruits in a hair mask, and the more “mature” it is, the better!

Here’s how you do it:

Combine 1 avocado with 1 banana, and 2 tbsp of honey in a bowl. Mash it all together, and apply onto hair.

You can wrap your hair up in saran wrap, and leave it on for 30-45 mins, or even longer if you’ve got the time!

Rinse it out really well with your favourite shampoo, and voila! You’ve got super moisturized and shiny hair.

Ha! So your precious pennies didn’t go to waste at the grocery store afterall!

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