
Blog content planning hack

*this post may contain affiliate links

In my opinion, you should have a good foundation of posts before “launching” your blog. This helps give new readers and followers a chance to get a feel of what you and your blog are about.

Think about it, when you visit someone’s blog, would you be more inclined to follow them if they had 1 or 30 posts?

Probably 30 posts, because you know what they blog about, get an idea of their writing style (and if you like it or not).

So, I’m gonna help you come up with your first 20 posts!

So, let’s think back to what your blog topic is about. Say you decided on the “Drugstore Makeup” category. Let’s think of 5 sub-categories.

Now, take each of the sub-categories and think of 4 topics you could write about them.

Blog post types

I’ve also put aside each topic what kind of post-type it’ll be. Some types are:

Review post: simple. A post where you review a product (or products)

List Post: A roundup of things… like “10 best Youtubers” or “5 best Christmas gifts for Fathers’ Day” etc.

Guide: Sharing some tips on a topic, ie. “Best jeans for your body shape”, “Eyeshadows to bring out every eye colour”, “What colours to wear to bring out your best features”

Tutorial or How-to: You will demonstrate to your audience how to do something “Angelina Jolie red carpet makeup look” or “DIY high rise jean shorts”
You can do one of each post-type, or choose your fave post-types and do different ideas from there. My personal favourites are tutorials and reviews.

Super easy, right?

Repeat this process for all 5 of the sub-categories, and BAM! You’ve got 20 post ideas ready to go.

Now go and create them 😉

You can use this process over and over to create an entire editorial calendar for an entire year!

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