
Keep Your Lips Soft! – My favourite lip balms

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best lip balm reviewI am obsessed with keeping my lips soft and moisturised. I am always on the hunt for a holy grail lip product. I’m not much of a colored lip fan, so I’m no expert in the tinted lip balm department. But I have definitely tried my fair share of minty, tingly lip treatments. Here are some of the most popular ones and how I rate them

EOS Lip Balm in Sweet Mint

eos sweet mint

Shininess – Has a satiny finish, so very little shine

Flavor – light minty flavor that isn’t too sweet or strong tasting

Texture – non greasy and non sticky. A bit waxy.

Overall – 3.5/5 My lips are smoother using this product, It’s a great option if you don’t want anything tacky or shiny on your lips. Has a gentle minty tingle to it.

Buy it here

Chapstick in Candy Cane

chapstick candy caneShininess – none, flat finish

Flavor – light peppermint flavor that isn’t overly sweet

Texture – non greasy and non sticky. Quite waxy.

Overall – 2.5/5 I love the tingliness of the peppermint in this one. I didn’t find anything too special about this lip balm, but it does its job.

This is a seasonal flavor, but you can get it on Amazon year round.

Smith’s Rosebud Salve in Minted Rose

minted rose lip balm

Shininess – slightly glossy. Is slightly tinted pink, but I don’t find it noticeable

Flavor – very light mint and rose flavor. Doesn’t taste sweetened

Texture – super smooth which I love!

Overall – 4.5/5 I LOVE this lip balm. Definitely one of my faves.

Check it out on Amazon

C.O Bigelow Mentha Ultra Lip Shine/Breath Freshener No. 1122


Shininess – super glossy

Flavor – intense and super sweet minty flavor. I’m sure they added some sweeteners to this.

Texture – super smooth, not tacky.

Overall – 4/5 This is another one of my faves for when I want my lips to look glossy. It is super minty and gives my lips a nice plump. This works amazing with the Candylipz lip plumper. Due to the sweetness of the gloss, I am constantly licking my lips when I have this on. Also, due to the glossiness, my hair gets caught on my lips if I have it down.

Get this lip balm here!

Do you have any suggestions for your fave lip products?

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