I’ve had stretch marks ever since I was 15 or 16. I had a massive growth spurt and got a tonne of them ALL over. Luckily, there are some very popular anti-stretch mark creams out on the market.
I envy all of the girls out there with smooth, stretch mark free skin… I’ve even tried using stretch mark products with waist trainers to help reduce the look of them.
There are many products out there that claim to be THE stretch mark remedy. So I decided to go out and check what all of the buzz about.
Revitol’s stretch mark cream keeps coming up everywhere. With it being so popular, does it actually hold up to its claims?
Let’s take a look!
You may also want to see:
- Natural oils to reduce stretch marks with a 4.5/5 review
- Striafade: guaranteed to remove stretch marks
- Other methods to try to lessen stretch mark appearance
Where to Buy?
My favorite place to buy this cream is on Amazon (USA and Canada only), where there are more reviews and their policies are more trusted.
If you are an international customer, you will have to purchase from their official store, where they ship worldwide.
What is Revitol Stretch Mark Cream?
Okay, here’s the thing. The company sorta markets the product as a stretch mark cream, but the bottle actually says “stretch mark prevention”. Whaaat? So I was supposed to use this BEFORE I got stretch marks? Too late for that.
What it DOES claim though, is that it can reduce the appearance of existing stretch marks. So it does work on old stretch marks to help lessen the intensity of them.
It has ingredients which help promote healthy skin and collagen production. It also has moisturizers in it that help keep the skin smooth and supple.
I can see how this helps with preventing stretch marks during pregnancy, but what about existing ones?
Well, with the ingredients like squalene oil, vitamins A, E and D3, and grapefruit extract, these all work together to help build stronger and more elastic skin, both inside and out.
For more info on their stretch mark reducing ingredients, click here.
With the dermis layers renewing at a quicker rate, you can help get rid of the old yucky skin that’s on top and reveal healthy, new skin.
Does Revitol for Stretch Marks Work?

It seems like most people who used the product consistently during pregnancy did notice relief from itchiness, and didn’t see new stretch marks form.
As for people using it to rid of old ones, the reviews were very mixed.
In my opinion, there are many factors here.
People are expecting a MIRACLE solution. I don’t believe that any product can get rid of stretch marks completely. Reduce the appearance, yes, but to completely get rid of them? I have yet to find a product that does.
How old were these reviewers’ stretch marks? Did they exfoliate before applying the cream? Exfoliation is a huge step that most people forget to take. Before applying a cream or treatment, make sure the skin is exfoliated, so that you ensure optimum absorbance of theproduct.
And finally, how consistent were they? I know for a fact that most people are not consistent with new skincare and beauty regimes. They try it out once or twice, and forget about. Most products are not meant to work like this. Our skin takes 4 weeks to renew itself, even longer as you age. These products boost that production, but only if you are actually using it consistently.
My Final Thoughts on Revitol Stretch Mark Prevention
Like the name says, it’s intended for prevention of new stretch marks. It can reduce the appearance of new ones, but not get completely rid of them. Depending on how bad the stretch marks you have are, this can do a pretty good job at making the stretch marks eventually become pretty unnoticeable to most people on the beach.
I don’t believe that any product will be able to fully get rid of stretch marks, but you can improve the look of them. You can try some of these other methods I’ve written on how to reduce the look of them.
Another brand that I’m really enjoying is Vanna Belt’s line of products. Not specifically for stretch marks, but it does help diminish a lot of imperfections in your skin, especially if you’re also eating right and working out. Check out my full VannaBelt review here!
I read this review and left feeling like I have gotten nothing from it. Where are YOUR before and after pictures? Not once did you mention how it worked for you… I feel like this was just an overview of what the product is suppose to do and then nothing more.