So, I have been so lucky to be blessed with having a really flat head. The back of my head is just so. Freaking. Flat.
I’ve also been really lucky to inherit some crazy baby hairs that really don’t know what the heck they are doing.
When I wear my hair up in a ponytail, like, 95% of the time, I look a mess cuz of these crazy little things.
Gel them, spray them, fix them, you say?
We all know I’m way too lazy to do that everyday.
So, the ultimate option is to invest in some headbands!
Oh, but wait – they don’t stay on my head because… you guessed it. My head is too flat.
I just can’t win.
Enter, Vero Brava
I first heard of Vero Brava scrolling through my Facebook feed. They were offering some crazy promotion. Like “FREE HEADBAND, pay for shipping” kinda thing. I was curious so I checked em out.
Turns out, their headbands were made to be super comfy and conforming to your head. No headaches, and no slippage.
I thought that this was a cute way to jazz up my gym outfits, and keep those pesky baby hairs at bay.
I ended up buying 4. Yep, didn’t just settle with just the free one, but got 4. They’re just so cute!
First Impression
I ordered 3 of the cotton ones, and 1 of the High Performance ones, which is a different material. I wanted to see if there was a difference in their “grippiness”.
I got them in the mail and I was so excited to try them out.
They were super comfy. No tightness, pulling or tugging.
I wore one around to do errands and I found that there was very minimal slippage. I had to play around with positioning and whatnot to see what would help the headband stay on my head the best.
For me, the best “stay put” style was to fan out the front quite wide, wear it down a bit onto my forehead, along with positioning the ponytail lower to hold the back in place. Sometimes I just wear a high ponytail, and make sure the headband is wide and low on my forehead and it still works.
High Performance – yay or nay?
TBH, I didn’t notice too much of a difference between the cotton ones vs the High Performance one. The High Performance one (Pink/yellow one that I ordered) is more textured so it would seem that it makes it more grippy, but I didn’t notice too much of a difference in terms of slippage.
HOWEVER, I received one that I thought was cotton when ordering, but when I received it I discovered it was a shinier, smoother material (blue cheetah). This one is my least fave out of the 4 because it seemed to slip the most out of all them.
Some Tips
I don’t expect anything to be 100% slip free, because my hair texture is super straight, and the back of my head is super flat. Lol. I just have to accept that nothing would be perfect for me.
However, with the 3 headbands that I like, if it did slip, I found it only slipped in the back, but the front still kinda “stuck” to my hair and held the baby hairs down. And fanning it wide really helped keeping it from slipping too.
My FAVOURITE thing about these headbands
Okay, so I am big on protecting my skin from the sun, because I’m trying to prevent sun and age spots. So I wear sunscreen all the time, even to the gym.
You know what sucks about that? Sweating sunscreen into your eyes.
And I sweat, A LOT. So I end up crying a lot at the gym too. Because of the sunscreen.
I wasn’t expecting the headbands to be much help, but these things are super absorbent. I’ve noticed that there is less sweat running down my face, therefore, no sunscreen in my eyes!
This is the #1 reason why I wear these now.
These are one of my top must have things when I go to the gym now.
My face doesn’t look like I just poured a bucket of water on it, my baby hairs are out of the way, and sunscreen isn’t trying to murder my eyeballs.
As I am writing this, I only have 2 headbands. I’ve lost the other 2 somehow, and I really want to find out where they are.
You can purchase Vero Brava on their website at Be sure to sign up for the newsletter, which is always offering special discount codes and promos!